Common JSON Data Structures for SOON RPC Methods

Various SOON RPC methods return complex responses as structured JSON objects. Here are the most common JSON data structures you’ll encounter:


Reports are the primary data structure in SOON’s Oracle system. They contain price feed information and associated metadata.

The JSON structure of a report is defined as follows:

  "report": {
    "configDigest": <string>, // Configuration digest for the price feed
    "epochAndRound": <number>, // Current epoch and round number
    "extraHash": <string>, // Additional hash information
    "feedID": <string>, // Unique identifier for the price feed
    "validFromTimestamp": <number>, // Timestamp from which the report is valid
    "observationsTimestamp": <number>, // Timestamp when observations were made
    "nativeFee": <string>, // Fee in native token
    "tokenFee": <string>, // Fee in ERC20 token
    "expireAt": <number>, // Timestamp when the report expires
    "benchmarkPrice": <string>, // Main reference price
    "askPrice": <string>, // Ask price from aggregated sources
    "bidPrice": <string>, // Bid price from aggregated sources
    "signatures": <array[string]>, // List of validator signatures
    "recovery_ids": <array[number]> // Recovery IDs for signature verification

Price Feed Data

Price feeds are another crucial data structure in SOON. Each feed has specific attributes:

  "name": <string>, // Name of the price pair (e.g., "BTC/USD")
  "feedID": <string>, // Unique hex identifier for the feed
  "decimals": <number>, // Number of decimal places (typically 18)
  "status": <string>, // Current status of the feed
  "timestamp": <number>, // Last update timestamp
  "configuration": {
    "heartbeat": <number>, // Update frequency in seconds
    "deviation": <number>, // Price deviation threshold
    "validators": <array[string]> // List of validator addresses

Account Information

Account data structure on SOON follows the SVM (Solana Virtual Machine) format:

  "lamports": <number>, // Account balance in lamports
  "owner": <string>, // Program that owns this account
  "data": <[string, string]>, // Account data and its encoding
  "executable": <boolean>, // Whether account contains executable code
  "rentEpoch": <number>, // Next rent collection epoch
  "space": <number> // Size of account data in bytes

Oracle Observations

Raw oracle observations before aggregation are structured as:

  "observer": <string>, // Address of the observer
  "timestamp": <number>, // Observation timestamp
  "price": <string>, // Observed price
  "source": <string>, // Data source identifier
  "confidence": <number>, // Confidence score (0-1)
  "signature": <string> // Observer's signature

Important Notes

  1. Numeric Values:

    • Large numbers are often returned as strings to preserve precision

    • Timestamps are in Unix format (seconds since epoch)

    • Decimal values maintain 18 decimal places for price data

  2. Encoding:

    • Addresses and hashes are hex-encoded strings

    • Signatures are base64-encoded strings

    • Binary data is typically base58-encoded

  3. Price Representation:

    • All prices include 18 decimal places

    • Use appropriate decimal handling when displaying prices

    • Both string and numeric representations may be provided