Deploy Smart Contracts
What you will learn
Setting up your development environment
template -
Understanding Anchor program structure
Creating and using Program Derived Addresses (PDAs)
Connecting an Anchor program to a Next.js UI
Using Jupiter wallet adapter
For this guide, you will need:
Node.js and pnpm
Rust and Cargo
Anchor CLI
A SOON compatible wallet
SOON RPC endpoint
Getting Started
1. Clone the Repository
Verify the project structure:
You should see the following structure:
Understanding the Anchor Program
The Anchor program is located in anchor-program/programs/favorites/src/
. Let’s break down its key components:
Program State
This structure defines what we’ll store on-chain:
A favorite number (u64)
A favorite color (string up to 50 chars)
A list of hobbies (up to 5 hobbies, each up to 50 chars)
Program ID Declaration
Instruction Handler
Account Context
Building and Deploying
1. Install Dependencies
2. Configure SOON Network
3. Prepare Wallet
4. Build Anchor Program
5. Get Program ID
6. Update Program ID
Update the program ID in:
(declare_id! macro) -
7. Deploy Program
Frontend Setup
Start Development Server
Testing the dApp
Connect your SOON wallet
Input your favorites:
Enter a favorite number
Choose a favorite color
Add up to 5 hobbies
Click “Save Favorites” to store on-chain
View the transaction on SOON Explorer
Common Issues & Solutions
Deployment Failures
Ensure sufficient SOON testnet balance
Verify RPC endpoint is correct
Check program ID matches in all locations
Transaction Errors
Verify wallet connection
Check input validations
Ensure proper PDA derivation
Build Issues
Clean and rebuild:
anchor clean && anchor build
Verify Rust and Anchor CLI versions
Check for any missing dependencies
SOON Explorer:
Create SOON App: